Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's In a Name?...

14:23 Incorporated…
"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." Proverbs 14:23

The only way Josh and I are going to be successful in our own business is with A LOT of hard work. It's what both excited Josh and frightened me about jumping at the opportunity to be an independent agent- especially with JellyBean's arrival so quickly approaching. Don't get me wrong, out all my "fears" depending upon Josh to make it happen and get us up and running-is the least of my worries. His work ethic is nothing short of Incredible. And I'm not just saying that as his wife, I hear it all the time from people he has worked for or those who have worked with him. I've always enjoyed seeing him "in the zone"-when talking with co-workers or clients about the oilfield, it's a glimpse into a side of him I'm not used to seeing. (he has to "dumb" it down for me at home) And although I don't typically know everything being discussed, the man knows his stuff and delivers with passion. He also loves a challenge and never gets satisfied within a position or with "success". There is always more to learn, more to do, and new territory to cover. His quite disposition, honesty, and technical mind set is what I think draws people to him. He's not into the whole shmoozing side of sales (although it can't always be avoided) He prefers to "give em' facts and let them buy the product because it's the best for the job- not because I took you golfing or paid for your hunting trip."
For now the physical work falls solely on Josh's shoulders- just him. covering 4counties with 80rigs (that's a huge workload for those not familiar with the oilfield) Going from a 7-7pm job with weekends off, vacation time, and the ability to take off whenever he needed/wanted to- going to the dr. with me or when our child is born- to being on call 24hours 7days a week is going to be a HUGE adjustment for all of us! All things "office" are left to me- something I feel completely lost in and hope to have a clue about before baby arrives….

When we were coming up with a name for our business- we recognized God's hand at work in this opportunity and it's important for us to keep Him at the center. We came across Proverbs 14:23 and fell in love with it's truth and simplicity. Above all, we love that this verse not only applies directly to what we are doing- but it applies to everyone in every aspect of our lives..our marriages, our relationships, raising children, careers, and our personal relationships with Christ. If we become satisfied, just give enough to get by, are not willing to put forth hard work or take on challenges-they become dead. Leaving us in a state of spiritual, relational, or literal poverty…With all the change that is taking place in our personal lives, we know that we are going to have to "work hard" in areas that have come natural or easy for the past 5years.

It's been fun to see how God is already using 14:23 Inc. to open doors of unexpected conversations about faith with company men, bankers, insurance agents, and those just curious.…and besides, I like the sound of it!